Angel Omoruan is a worship leader who deeply loves Jesus and desires to serve and praise Him all the days of her life. She has a passion for seeing God’s people come together as one, united in worship here on earth as it is in heaven. From a young age, she loved singing and developed a deep reverence for using her voice to glorify the Lord. Growing up in a Christian home, she encountered Jesus early on and felt called to follow and serve Him.
In addition to leading worship, she is a devoted wife to her husband, Ohi (originally from Nigeria), a homeschooling mom to Josh and Abigail, and a creative content producer. She enjoys creating meaningful content that inspires others and brings glory to God. With every note she sings and every project she creates, she seeks to cultivate an atmosphere where hearts are drawn closer to God and lives are transformed by His presence.
In addition to leading worship, she is a devoted wife to her husband, Ohi (originally from Nigeria), a homeschooling mom to Josh and Abigail, and a creative content producer. She enjoys creating meaningful content that inspires others and brings glory to God. With every note she sings and every project she creates, she seeks to cultivate an atmosphere where hearts are drawn closer to God and lives are transformed by His presence.