Read Acts 9:10-18
Many years ago, a man was lead to put the collection of his church in the hands of a known gang leader by the name of Nicky Cruz. The result was the conversion of many who would never have been witnessed to because of their lifestyle. The Cross and the Switchblade is a modern day picture of the conversion of Saul to Paul. The church leadership was horrified at the pastor's action but the pastor stepped out in faith at the Spirit's leading and the rest is history.
The early church was horrified and furious at the actions of Ananias and his healing of Paul. All the evidence of Paul's past actions made trusting him difficult. The Lord had a plan for the salvation of the gentiles (you and me) and Paul was the main character in that plan. Ananias was obedient and the rest is history.
When you feel led to do something out of your comfort zone, think of Ananias, think of the missionaries who put their lives on the line, think of Elijah standing up to the Baal worshipers. All they do is stand on the faith that the Lord is leading them and trust in His protection and wisdom. The salvation of God's people is in the hands of people like you and me. He does not assign that task with out preparing us either ahead of time or on the path as we follow His leading.