2015 Knox Ladies Seminar Committees
PROGRAM: Gretchen Cochran; Linda Bryce Coulson,
Oversees all aspects of the seminar, including all committee chairpersons. Plans schedule. Works with presenters, coordinating travel and lodging. Oversees design of registration brochures and programs, working with printer. Mans speaker tables . Takes care of all finances for seminar.
Correspondence: Linda Summerville
Responsible for correspondence between committee chairpersons regarding meetings. Prepares any mailings. Works with USPS (Knox) for postage and mailings. Takes minutes at all minutes and distributes to chairpersons. Help compile info for booklets. Works closely with Program and Publicity committees.
Publicity: Samantha Ferguson; Sherry Bennett
Does website, Facebook site. Makes church bulletin inserts and sends to area churches. Coordinates with newspapers for articles. Coordinates sales of Tshirts . Has pictures of speaker for newspapers. Make poster or display for next year’s speaker. Work closely with Correspondence and Program committees for mailings, Tshirt sales, speaker display.
Book Room:
Secures books and items on consignment for book room, working with Meadville Gospel Book and Supply. Man check out tables. Set up/clean up book room. Buys merchandise bags.
Church Awareness: Gena Dunkle, Bonnie Hondel
Decides on and prepares some sort of display showing all churches involved.
Stage Decorations: Phyllis McAninch, Nancy Galluucci
Decorates stage, obtains and displays 3 baskets for evaluations, decorations, and prayer requests. Display T-shirt. Bring out piano and dust.
Table/Hall Decorations: Beth Henry
Coordinate the purchase of plates, napkins, cups, table paper. Decorate/cover speaker, registration, lunch, music, Tshirt tables. Prepare centerpieces for tables.
AM Food: Penny Neely, Pam Kahle
Has donuts/muffins and coffee/juice/tea on the morning of the seminar, during registration time. Arranges leftovers in hallway after registration time during breaks. Mans tables.
PM Food: Judi Gardner
Makes all arrangements with caterer. Finds helpers to serve lunch.
Greeters/Ushes: Joan Weible
Purchases and places all “necessary items” in restrooms. Have greeters to welcome people when arriving. Finds seats for those attending. Be available to speakers for passing out materials. Directs lines for serving at lunch time.
Hostess: Michele Henry
Orders pens, notepads, mints, Kleenex for registration envelopes. Purchases gift bags for speaker, prepares Green Room for speaker, and is a “gopher” for speaker during seminar. Organizes evaluation brunch for committee chair persons for 1-2 weeks after seminar.
Prayer: Cathy Donaldson
Has the “prayer room” during the seminar, manning the room and obtaining materials to hand out to those who come to the prayer room. Have a designated time for prayer committee to pray each day of each week. Does opening prayer and meal time prayer during the day of the seminar. Prepare devotional for each committee meeting. Orders salvation tracts for registration packet. Prepares devotions and prayer reminders for committee chairs for week before the seminar.
Registration: Linda Coulson
Purchases registration envelopes or bags. Purchases and prepares name tags. Prepares master list of churches for Church Awareness committee. Set up and man registration tables. Prepares registration list, tallying totals and tracking no shows. Works with PM Food committee to assure enough lunches are ordered.
Setup/Clean up: Elizabeth Regester
Oversees set up of registration, speaker, music, Tshirt tables, and lunch rooms, coat racks. Checks and cleans up auditorium, bathrooms, entrances, and hallways before and after seminar. Orders extra tables/chairs. Works with janitor, secretaries, administration in set up and clean up of school, obtaining extra manpower as needed. When seminar is over, makes sure all equipment is back to proper areas.
Music: Leah Felmlee
Arranges for musical entertainment, works with Program Committee to secure Singer(either local or national talent). Selects and coordinates worship leader, choosing songs for group singing. Selects and coordinates with pianist for overture. Works with Program, Setup/cleanup, Technology, and Stage committees all general auditorium issues.
Develops and coordinates the PowerPoint presentation. In charge of lighting and sound systems. Coordinates with Music, Stage, and Setup/cleanup committees all general auditorium issues. Works with Program committee to create a Live Feed and audio recording of the seminar.