No matter what the sin, Jesus has made a way for us to forgiveness. We have a habit of thinking our sins are too great for Him to forgive. We hang onto our guilt and spend hours and days in grief. We allow our guilt to cloud our lives and tear from us our peace.
Jesus never meant for us to suffer in vain. While we must confess and repent, He reminds us to move forward, not
dwell in the past. (Phil 3:13, 14) (Is 43:18) We may still be
responsible to pay for our sins from a temporal point of view, but from God's point of view, we are eternally forgiven!! What we had done is forgotten by Him and is separated from His memory as far as the east is from the west.
God, the Father, had a plan for us from the beginning of time. When Adam and Eve sinned, God sacrificed the first time to provide for them a covering. The blood of the animal was spilled to clothe them. Each time they would dress, the skin of the animal would remind them of the cost of sin.
From that time until the time of the Cross, a temporary
sacrifice was necessary to cover our sins. The cost of sin is death.
At the Cross, however, the debt was paid. Some interpretations of 'It is finished' also say 'Paid in full'. Col 2:14 tells us that the written code has been cancelled (NIV). Christ has paid our debt.
This is the time to celebrate with great joy and
appreciation. This is the time to accept willingly, the price Jesus paid so that we can stand forgiven, clothed in grace and enfolded in mercy. We can stand in the presence of the Most High God and be accepted as His child. We are loved beyond all understanding and received with excitement and singing.