Solomon built a temple for the Lord. He wanted to consecrate it to the glory of God. The Lord wanted to remind him that the responsibility of keeping the presence of the Lord in the temple rested wholly on the obedience and faithfulness of the people.
God was not speaking to the secular world around Jerusalem. He was speaking to His own people. He required His people to remain His people. He warned the people of the cost of worshiping other gods and falling away from worshiping the one true God.
There is no difference in the conditional promise today. We, God's people have wandered after other gods also. Jehovah is not speaking to the atheists or agnostics. He is speaking to those of us that call on His name. He is talking to the ones that have their name written in the Book of Life. He is calling His people to repentance. He is calling His chosen generation, His royal priesthood, to confess, repent and return to Him.
Our nation is ripe for a revival. But that revival must begin with us. We must be willing to stand before our Holy God and ask Him where we have failed. He is compassionate and merciful. If God's people will repent and fast and pray, God will honor our request and heal our land. He will bring a revival, first to His people and then to the whole nation.
We are so busy trying to justify the compromises we have made, we have forgotten who is Truth. We have set aside the infallible word of God and now do what is right in our own eyes. That has not changed since the days of Genesis.
God will honor our prayers if we are earnest and hunger after His righteousness. He will bring a flood of revival to this land that is thirsting after the Living Water. He is yearning for His people to cry out to Him and then listen for His guidance.