Our country is prime for a revival. We are going through a time when standing for our Lord is politically incorrect. The word of God has been watered down and modified so that none will be offended. Jesus had no problem with offending the religious leaders who were leading God's people astray.
Many of our churches are filled with dry bones. Attendance is more related to social appearance or habits carried over from our past. The pews are filled with dried up bones that no longer have the breath of life in them.
God, however has promised to breathe life into those dry bones. Verse 10 tells us that Ezekiel did as the Lord instructed him and breathed life into the bones that had gained flesh and skin. It tells us that 'breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.'
God is putting flesh and blood and skin on His people who hunger after His righteousness. He is filling us with Living Water that brings life back into dry and weary churches that are struggling to survive. Many churches are dying from lack of the fire of the Holy Spirit. But with prayer and fasting and a willingness to seek God's will and direction, we can have the breath of the Spirit give us life again. These old dry bones can rise to dance again!!!