Throughout the Old Testament offering up sacrifices by fire was the way the Lord commanded His people to honor Him. Thank offerings, sin offerings, etc., were offered up through burning on the altar.
In our lives, we have passed through the refining fires many times. The fires were of loss, illness and failed dreams. We don’t always understand the whys of it all. We do, however, have the option of offering up to the Lord the times spent in the fire. We learn much from passing through the fire. Our priorities change a lot when we allow the Lord to open our eyes to what has true value.
Recently, I have been watching a program about forging knives and weapons from raw materials into strong and enduring articles. In one episode, they were given an old truck. They were to take from it, the needed material to make a long knife. Rusted and dented metal became a strong shining knife of great strength and sharpness. Its usefulness on the truck was negligible. However, when it was taken from the truck and passed through the refining fires, it became new again, the old had passed away. The metal was pressed and reformed. It changed from useless to powerful and of great value and beauty.
Perhaps when we are being passed through the refining fires, we can look up and offer to the Lord the process of being refined. We can ask Him to take our tribulations and trials as a sacrifice of love to Him. We know that He is in the fire with us. Ask Him to accept our gift of submission to His will as a love offering. When we have passed from being weary and worn out to becoming strong and useful and beautiful again, we can see His love for us. The process is painful but the benefits are eternal.