We who have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior have a very powerful weapon against the enemy of our soul. Satan, the father of lies, has great glee in dumping on us the accusations of our sins. He likes to remind us of our failures and faults. He will list all the things we did or did not do that did not glorify Jesus. He delights in causing us to stumble and hesitate in our walk with the Lord. His greatest delight is when we turn our back on the Lord because we are drowning in guilt.
We, however, are armed with the unbounded grace and mercy given by the One Who died for our sins and paid the debt in full. We do not have to be bowed down by the weight of our sin. We need only to bow down to the Lover of our souls, confess, and truly repent.
We are armed with the weapons of warfare given to us to fight against the fiery arrows of accusations and condemnation thrown at us by Satan. He is powerless against the weapons from the Lord. We need only to wield them with the faith that Jesus is faithful. Satan cannot stand against the shield of faith. He cannot penetrate the breastplate of righteousness. The helmet of salvation stops his words of condemnation. The belt of truth defeats the lies of the enemy when we saturate our minds with the Word.
Therefore, rest assured of your salvation. Don't let the enemy steal your joy just because you have sinned. Confess, then rejoice in the love of the Lord and His forgiveness. He doesn't condemn. He forgives, refreshes and He delights in you. We no longer have to live with a spirit of fear. We have a spirit of sonship. We are co-heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:15-17). We are loved.