How full is your schedule? How much time have you set aside to simply rest in the Lord? Every day is full of busyness and demands that we need to fulfill. Kid's school activities are a real trial to keeping any kind of schedule for family only time. Time to reconnect after a busy day is vital to the health of a family.
Even the Lord would take time away from the pressure of His day to seek restoration. He sought time alone with His Father so that He could commune with Him and seek encouragement and reassurance. While Jesus knows the beginning from the end, He still went to His Father for strength and comfort. His time in the garden, His time in the desert, His transfiguration were all examples for us to follow, especially when life around us becomes more than we can handle.
Jesus would take His disciples apart for a time of teaching and
companionship. He knew His disciples needed His guidance and wisdom for the path that was before them. He knew that they would need to be reminded to take time to rest and regain strength. He knew that when we, His disciples, become task saturated, when we have sensory overload,
He wants us to take time with Him alone to renew our strength and clear away the distractions. He wants us to focus on Him alone so that we can once again regain our first love.
He even commanded us to set aside a Sabbath day so that we could spend time seeking His face and His will for our lives. His word is filled with promises that He wants us to be familiar with. He desires us to rest in the promise of an eternity spent with Him.