and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid."
Genesis 3:1-7
Adam stood by while his wife was rewording what God had said despite his knowledge that what she said was wrong. He made no attempt to intervene while the serpent was deceiving Eve. He watched while Eve took the forbidden fruit and ate it. He went right along with Eve in doing what God had forbidden. He helped try to cover up their sin. He and Eve tried to hide from God the new knowledge they had acquired.
When we see others falling into sin and do nothing to stop the landslide of sin entering the life of those we love, we follow the example of Adam and don't get involved. We have all the knowledge of the consequences of sin and yet we don't want to 'interfere'.
God dealt harshly with Adam and Eve for their bad choices and with the serpent for leading them astray. The serpent offered the forbidden fruit, but Adam and Eve and you and I are guilty of choosing to take a bite of the temptation placed before us. Whether it is the wrong diet, overspending, stealing things from work, cheating on taxes, not paying for what we have purchased, we will pay in the long run.
I am very glad Christ chose to get involved and show us the right path. He chose to pay for our bad choices. He chose to spend His earthly life showing us a better way.
When we see others falling into bad choices, we must offer gently and lovingly a better way. If we choose to 'not get involved', we will also be judged harshly. If we choose to whisper to others of someone's poor choices, our sin of gossip only adds to the price we will pay.
Ask the Lord to open our eyes so we can see others
through His eyes. He can help us to love them into healing and restoration just as He loved us back into His kingdom when we fell from grace. Jesus is, was and will be our righteousness and our redeemer. He will lead us into confession, repentance and our redemption.