How can we count all the blessings that the Lord has given? He has given us the bounty of salvation. He has promised us a place in heaven where we will spend an eternity with Him. He has paid a horrible price for our sins. Our debt to Him is beyond computing.
He gives us the sunrise. He has given us the beauty of the sunset. The northern lights show us the complexity of His creation. He shows us His love in the smile of a baby, the variety of nature's bounty and the vastness of the universe.
While we may not appreciate the snowfall, look at the
uniqueness of the snowflake. Not one is the same as any other. They are a geometric marvel. The types are formed according to the level of humidity in the air and the temperature of the air.
A seed falls to the ground and dies but yet in it's time it will
germinate and grow. A single seed of corn can produce hundreds. A seed of corn can make a movie more fun when we pop it along with a few of it's friends. Add a little butter and salt and we have a feast.
A single brain cell is so complex that it takes years to
understand it's function. A starfish can regrow a limb. A beaver can build a dam that can turn a small stream into a large pond.
The One Who created all of this loves us enough to pay the ultimate price for a race of stiff necked, rebellious people. He has tolerated our resistance to Him and still provided a way for us to commune with Him, to serve Him and to worship Him. While His mercy seems to be endless, a day is coming when we, His people will be called to stand for Him. If we do not acknowledge Him to the world, He will not acknowledge us to His Father.
He stands in the gap for us, defending us from our enemy.
He sits at the right hand of the Father awaiting the time when we will be called into His presence. Whether we will see the day of the rapture or fulfill our days in death, we will stand before the Lord on the day of judgment. We who have given our hearts and lives to the Lord will be given a mansion.
Those who have chosen to do what is right in their own eyes, will spend eternity regretting their poor choices. Rev 22:12 reminds us that He is coming soon and that we will be judged in what we have chosen. He is bringing His reward with Him.
Whoever is thirsty, He is offering us the living water. Drink freely and rejoice in His redemptive love. What more can we ask?