Your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of Your awesome works, and I will proclaim Your great deeds. They will celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
One of the responsibilities of the Jewish parents was to teach the next generation of God's ways and His acts. The Jewish boys would spend years learning the laws and the prophets. They would learn the man made laws as well. The girls would learn of God's bounty and blessings from their mothers as they worked in the house learning cooking and how to keep a household running.
Mary, Jesus's mother, knew the Lord's words and laws well. She knew the cost of doing God's bidding because she learned from her parents. She was not too busy with other things to teach our Savior the basics of His Heavenly
Many of us have abdicated the work of bringing the next generation into God's kingdom. We don't read the Word together or teach our children the Bible stories as our
parents did when we were young. We don't live according to the precepts we knew as part of our basic belief system. We send our young ones to Sunday School, if our church still has
one, and hope someone else will teach them.
Most of today's youth have little or no understanding of God's word or have any interest in learning. The next generation have already left the church for other belief systems that are more culturally acceptable.
When we stand before the King of Kings, we will have to answer Him when He asks where our children are. We will not be allowed to let others answer for us.
It is not too late to start witnessing to our next generation regardless of their age. As long as we and they have breath, we are still able to give the gospel to them. What they choose to do with the information is up to them, but we must try.