Paul learned the secret to a good life. He learned that whatever the situation, he could count on Jesus to be there for him. Paul lived through situations that would have killed others. He lived in prisons, private homes and on the road without a place to sleep. He knew about hiding out from enemies and escaping with his life. He knew how to be humble and how to stand up to those whose main goal was to take his life.
Paul had a lifestyle of trusting in Jesus and having
faith that he would never be betrayed or deserted by the Lord. Paul built a lifestyle of faith. One event at a time built a faith that grew as he matured in Christ. He never wavered in that faith after his meeting with Jesus on the road to Emmaus.
We can have the same level of faith. We can live with a lifestyle of faith. It doesn't happen all at once. It is a process, a day to day habit of trusting regardless of the
circumstances. Faith does not rely on emotions. It isn't based on feelings. "I'll believe it when I see it" doesn't fit into a faith based lifestyle. Oxygen is critical to life but we can't feel or see or taste it. We just know it is there. Faith is the same. It is critical to a Christian walk. Faith means we trust that when we walk the valley or stand on the mountain peak, we know we are not alone. We wake in the morning and lie down at night with the same faith in the Lord.
There will be times when our faith wavers. We will
have days when holding on to our faith takes all we have.
We know that we may waiver but Jesus never will. That is the Rock we stand on in the midst of turbulent waters. That Rock will never move. Learning this truth is the foundation of our faith. Living this truth, day by day, builds a lifestyle of faith that will stand up to the test of time, trials and tribulation. It is easy to have faith when all goes well but faith grows best when tested.
James 1:3,4 Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
When we develop a lifestyle of faith, we honor the Lord.
We say by the way we live that we believe what the Lord has said is fact and not up for discussion. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He doesn't change. He never will. That is why we can live a lifestyle of faith in the One who loves us enough to die for us.