Matthew 28:6,7 He is not here; He has risen
just as He said....
Mark 16:6 Luke 24:5-7 both repeat the same words. Jesus is alive and well. He appeared to His disciples and hundreds of others. His ascension was documented by secular historians of the time. His life has never been denied even by those who deny His deity.
Christianity worships a living, personal God Who is personally involved in our lives if we permit Him. Jesus Christ is a hands on God Who desires to be a part of our day to day lives. He lives and wants to live in us.
So many of the world's religions worship a god who may have lived but is since dead. There are religions that worship the things that our God created.
Many of the gods of the Old Testament were carved by men. What was left over from carving these 'gods' was used to fuel the fire to cook their lunch. The gods could not speak, intervene for our benefit or even change circumstances. They were worshiped because someone told the people the gods had power.
1Samuel 5 tells of the Ark of the Covenant and it's power over the god of the Philistines. Their god, Dagon, fell on his face before the Ark. The Philistines set him up again and he not only fell again, but was broken to pieces. God poured out His wrath against the people. The Philistines could not get the Ark out of the country fast enough. So much for carved gods against the Creator of the universe.
We serve a living, risen God Who came to us as a baby, lived, died and was resurrected. He is alive!!! We are redeemed and saved by His sacrifice. What more do we need than what He has given.
Jesus lives. We live in Him. What joy!!!