Ps 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, it's builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
We sometimes try to serve the Lord from our own strength. We want to see a need or a way to serve the Lord and then run to do whatever we think is right. Many times we must backtrack and start where we should have started in the first place.
Starting on our knees will clarify the vision as the Lord's vision or our vision. The Lord will show us where to cast our nets to get the best results. Prayer for seeing the Lord's will in our efforts can decrease confusion and false starts. It is not a guarantee that we will succeed. Sometimes failure is just a stepping stone to a better result.
Edison, when he made the light bulb, said that with all his failures, he learned how 'not' to make a light bulb. He did not see his efforts as wasted. He saw them as learning how to achieve the successful product.
Serving the Lord from the premise of learning along the way can take away a lot of the pressure of fearing failure. We can leave the responsibility of success or failure firmly in the Lord's hands where it belongs. Consistently lifting the project up to the Lord and asking sincerely and frequently for His blessing and guidance can eliminate most of the pressure we feel. Some pressure is good to help us strive for better results.
When you feel the desire to serve the Lord in a specific way. Seek Him first. Offer to Him the privilege of guiding you in your desire. Offer up to Him the freedom to do unto you as He wills. As He did with Mary when she offered herself for the Lord's service, (Luke 1:18) He will honor you when you stay in His will.