Samuel went to Jesse to anoint one of his sons as king over Israel. Samuel was surprised that the Lord did not choose the oldest or smartest. The Lord chose the one whose heart was for the Lord and His will in his life.
We see things through the eyes of flawed human understanding. We can't see the true heart of a person. We look at their family connections or finances or even their charisma. The Lord looks at the motivation behind their actions.
We look at ourselves and think God can't use us because of things we have done or not done. We think God can't use someone who isn't pretty or handsome or extra smart. Jesus was noted to have nothing about His appearance to attract people yet He brought salvation to the world.
God used a man that was a womanizer and had anger management issues. He called David 'a man after God's own heart.' God used a man whose main goal was to destroy all the early Christians because they followed a Man Who fought against the hypocrisy of the Jewish leadership. Paul became a great evangelist. Jesus changed a man from being impetuous and foolhardy into the leader of the early Church.
We have all been given gifts that we are to use to expand the Kingdom and glorify the Lord. God did not make a mistake about the gifts He gave us. He knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb. He had a plan for us from the beginning. Some are gifted to be speakers, teachers, janitors, leaders. No matter what gift we are given, we are expected to use that gift. Some have many gifts and lots of talent. Others of us have small gifts and a little talent. But we are expected to utilize what we have.
No matter what the gift, using it the best we can is a gift back to the Lord. It is part of our worship of the Lord. A very old book called "Practicing the Presence of the God" tells of a priest that scrubbed floors and took great delight in offering that to the Lord. He sang and praised God while doing the work. I am sure after his death, God welcomed him with praise and delight.