I have been blessed several times to serve on the nominating committee. As we struggle to fill the positions in the church, I look at those whose only interest is to warm the pews on Sunday morning. They come to the service bearing gifts and talents. They leave them resting quietly in the pews when they leave. The Lord has benefitted us with all kinds of abilities and we don’t take advantage of them. We are reluctant to step out in faith and honor Him by serving.
We are leaving our blessings sit on the shelf, concerned we will make a mistake or get involved in the leadership roles. We rob the Lord of the honor and glory by disdaining what He has offered us. While we are not always aware of all of our talents and abilities, He is faithful to walk with us through the challenging paths of leadership. When asked to serve in a specific role, the Lord will guide us in the tasks that are involved in that service.
The Lord has given us all the wisdom and knowledge we need to serve Him. No matter what ministry He has planned for you, remember it is Christ Jesus we are serving. While the vessel which we fill with our gifts may be in the church or in the mission field or in our workplace, Christ Jesus is the ultimate focus for our serving. We do it for His honor and glory, not for our own. We honor Him by stepping out in faith to serve others even if we must leave our comfort zone and step into unfamiliar territory. Jesus knows all about the role we are to fill. Trust Him to lead you. He is faithful.