God loved us enough to send His Son to die for us. He loves us enough to call us His children. We are loved beyond what we can comprehend. We have all the privileges of children of the King. We can run to Him with all our joys and woes. We can fall into His arms and tell Him all about our day, our hopes and dreams. When we stumble and fall, He is there to pick us up. When we are victorious in our battles, He is celebrating with us.
The world that we live in doesn't acknowledge or understand Him. They don't understand His ways. They call His miracles 'Bible stories' and secularize them so they are more acceptable to their world view. The secular world doesn't understand why we think and act the way we do. They don't understand the Christian world view. Giving Someone else the credit doesn't make sense. Their world is all about 'me'. Our world view is all about Jesus and giving Him all the glory, honor and praise.
Without God, we have nothing. He gave us our gifts and talents. He honors us when we acknowledge His Lordship. All that we have came from the Father of Lights. He is our Abba, our Daddy.
We were warned that we would be treated as He was treated. Jesus told His disciples that just as the world hated Him they would hate us. But we can rejoice in that He has overcome the world. Our reward for obedience is an eternity in heaven with our Father. We will see Jesus face to face. What a glorious promise!!!