All that we do as saints of the risen Savior is done so that we can bring glory and honor to the Lord our God. He knows us intimately. He knows our motives and our ways. He sees far past what we can see. Even when we try to convince ourselves that our motives are pure, He knows the truth.
He will lead us in the paths of righteousness when we serve Him in honesty. He will gives us the desires of our hearts when we are faithful to open our hearts to Him. When we invite Him to examine our motives and reveal to us any sinful ways, we are less likely to forget Who we are really serving. Psalm 139
It is so easy to stray from the path of righteousness when what we do is applauded by people. We begin to believe our own press and take credit for the gifts and skills that He gave us. We begin to put our name in lights and forget to lift up the name of the One Who deserves the praise and glory. It is so easy to return to His path of righteousness if we are willing to confess, repent and run to Him for comfort and guidance back to His will for us. It is not so easy to know just where that path is leading, but that is where trust and faith takes over.
Isaiah 48:17 This is what the Lord says - your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you what is best for you, Who directs you in the way you should go.
What more can we ask than what He has already given? He has paid a high price for us, His people. When we seek Him, He is faithful to forgive and restore to us His great and boundless blessings and mercy.