In the midst of trials and fears and tribulation, the Lord has given us a resting place. We are firmly nestled in the arms of the Lord. Our names are written on the palm of His hand. He is our stronghold in the time of troubles. (Nahum 1:7) We can rest quietly in the assurance that Jesus is in charge.
It is difficult to see the Lord's hand at work at times but when we are studying His word, seeking His will and trusting in His promise of eternity, we can lay our heads down and rest in
the hope of Him and His righteousness.
When the father of the child who was taken with seizures wasn't sure, he asked Jesus to help his unbelief. He had that mustard seed of faith and wanted more. Jesus gave him
all he needed and healed the man's son.
Jesus will give us all we need when the storms of life threaten to swamp our boat. Just as the disciples cried out to Jesus while He slept, so too, we can cry out and rest in the assurance that Jesus hears and responds. He honors
our prayers even when the prayer is only a heartfelt, "Help". We don't need to be eloquent, just honest.