We, as Americans, are spoiled with the amount of food that is easily available. We hunger for nothing. We want for nothing. We have so many 'things' that we feel are necessary to our daily lives. We have our phones stuck in our ears or grasp tightly in our hands. We are perpetually dissatisfied with life and all that goes with it.
I have found an answer to the hunger problem. Food often
leaves us overfed yet a short while later we go seeking more. Not so with the Word of the Lord. It satisfies in a way that things and food could never do. The Word of the Lord fills us with eternal sustenance. We go from His presence in the Word with a feeling of comfort that all the comfort food in the world could never give. We gain neither calories not cellulite when we feast at the Lord's table. We do, however, gain understanding, peace, righteousness, mercy and grace. So much of what we gain in His Word is given freely and with great joy by the Lord.
Come to His table with hunger and you will be filled. The
Lord will provide you with eternal manna that will never spoil. It is new every morning and still fresh at night. There are no dishes left to wash and no table to clean. There is simply a deep satisfaction that comes from being in the presence of the Lord our God and savior.