To comfort all who mourn.
Comforting those who mourn is a command of the Lord. We go through dangers, trials and snares so that we can grow and mature in Christ. We can offer comfort to those who are walking through the same paths of pain we have walked.
Those paths can take on many forms. Whether they lead us on a smooth path to sin or a rocky twisted path through illness or loss, we are assured of a Comforter Who will never leave us or forsake us. We are commanded to comfort others right where they are. We can't always take them out of the circumstances, but we can walk with them through the darkness and fears of those circumstances.
Father, show us the paths to take when we can't see the way we should go. We need Your lamp and Your light to guide us through the challenges that You put in our lives. May we be ever mindful of those who need our touch of mercy and our reassurance when they are walking the paths we have walked and felt the pain we have felt.