Do not judge or you will be judged. for in the same way you judge others,
you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
I could have done a much better job than that. I know more than that person does about that. Why don't they call on me to do this or that. I, I, I. Sound familiar? I fall into the same rut all too often in comparing what I think I can do with others. I see someone doing something that I do or want to do and find fault with how they do it. I forget Who is the true judge
of how well we are doing or who does it.
Too many times when we are studying God's word and we come up against the subject of judging others, this reference is brought up to remind each other not to judge in any circumstances. But let's really look at what it is saying. Is it saying never to judge others or is it saying be careful HOW we judge others. Is our critical attitude, our self centered focus the real problem? Is the Lord reminding us of the log in our own eye while we criticize the splinter in someone else's eye? He is reminding us of our attitude toward His chosen people, His royal priesthood.
Yes, we are to judge others. Not with a critical attitude but by testing the spirits and evaluating their fruit against the Word of God. His instruction manual gives us all the tools we need to know the true works of others. We are not to evaluate someone else's motives or their agenda. That is God's job. Our job is to motivate, encourage and support each other in serving the Lord and doing His will to promote the kingdom. The next time someone gets the job or promotion or acknowledgement that you want, surprise them. Honor them with praise and congratulations. Let them know you appreciate their gifts and the quality of work they do. You will find peace within yourself instead of that nagging bitter spirit that steals your joy.