how we should feel about others. In our relationships that we really value, we need to look at how we treat those we care about. In our day to day relationships with those we are less close to, we need to evaluate how we respond to them.
Our treatment of others should be a reflection of how the Lord treats us. These verses are a perfect study in interpersonal relationships based on the way the Lord responded to those around Him.
Jesus gave respect where it was due. He patiently lead the disciples toward a deeper understanding of His ministry. He did not hold a grudge against Peter when Peter failed Him and denied Him. Jesus simply showed Peter the way back and forgave him.
Jesus prayed to the Father to protect His chosen people. He did not use His deity to lord it over others, but to guide us into a more mature faith in Him. We need to memorize the words that Paul gave us so that when the world begins to cause us to falter in our Christian walk, we can, in our mind, recite them. We will quickly learn how to reflect true love to
those around us.
Love never fails when it is the foundation of our treatment of others. We can heal broken relationships when we put on a cloak of love. We may not always be successful in saving a relationship but we will not fail when we follow our Lord's
guidelines. We are not responsible for other's decisions.
Offering patience, grace and mercy is a good start. Rejoicing with someone's good fortune instead of envying them is difficult at times but can be a stepping stone to growing in
Sometimes offering simple courtesy to our family members can be overlooked. To show true Godly love to them can be the most difficult. We treat strangers with far more respect and mercy. Our family, however, can be the best training ground for learning how to love as Jesus did.