Read 2 Corinthians 12
Somewhere along the line, the gospel has been changed so that today's Christians feel that if everything isn't perfect, God doesn't love us. We expect to get what we want when we want it, how we want it and if we don't get it, we sulk and blame God.
God's Word tells us we will face trials, persecutions and tribulations. This isn't because God has changed what He thinks. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. We can expect to face difficulties in our lives. We aren't to be surprised by them. God will walk with us through all that life throws at us. He gives us challenges so that we can grow in Him, lean on Him, trust in Him.
He will provide for us all we need to sustain us no matter what. He will rejoice in us. He will boast of us to the enemy, as He did with Job. He will never give us more than we can handle. He knows our limits far better than we do.
God allows illness, financial difficulties, relationship failures and challenges to enter our lives. He allows the world to malign us and gossip about us. Even His people who are called by His name will at times be our worst enemies. Christians are prone to gossip as much as the world is, which
is a shameful sin.
When death takes a loved one, we cry out in pain and confusion. We don't understand. He wants us to run to
Him and share the pain and questions and anger. He can
take it. Our weakness is the way He can help us. He hungers
for us to lean on Him, to seek him, to cry out to Him.
When we rely on our own strength or finances or anything but Him, we don't seek Him. We don't lean on the everlasting arm. We lean on our own understanding. We set
ourselves up for failure. We don't know or understand the plan He has for us and we run blindly on our own path.
Take the challenge set before you and share it with the One Who has all the answers. Take your pain and fears to the One Who has lived through life's worst. He knows and understands. He offers comfort when we have nowhere else
to turn. He pulls us into His arms and holds us close. He
takes our tears and stores them up. He feels our pain. Trust
Him to be there even when you feel the most alone.