Over the last several months, we have had many challenges in our family. We have had to quietly struggle against what I believe is attacks of the enemy. He has thrown much against us and we are still on our feet. Wobbly at times it seems, but still on our feet.
We waver at times. We question many times. We may not be model Christians in how we act and proceed but we are still secure in God's love. We may wonder what He has in store for us. We may wonder if we can handle all He is allowing. But we KNOW that He will walk with us through this battle.
We know who we are in Christ. We know we are IN Christ, just as He is in us, just as God the Father is in us. We may be in need of support and prayer, but we don't often question His love or compassion.
One of the most difficult things I have had to deal with, is the platitudes that well meaning friends will throw our way. They are offered as band aids to cover the hurt and pain. I know the scriptures that are offered. I know the references to God's mercy and grace. But it seems there are times when silence, a hug and an offer to keep us in prayer are a more powerful comfort than all the words.
I appreciate the words. They are very relevant to our situation. Sometimes it feels they are poorly timed. I know we will make it through. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It just sometimes feels like that light is an oncoming train.
The battle is ongoing. There is not an end in sight as yet but I know Who is fully in charge. He knows the end from the beginning. I am seeing some blessings happening that I have prayed for. I know that all things do work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 slightly paraphrased) I know that when this battle is over we will be able to help others walk through this particular valley. I know that joy comes in the morning and that when this time of darkness is overcome by the Light of the world, we will rejoice. I know that we will be stronger and I hope we will be closer to the Lord.
When you find yourself faced with friends that are in the battle, pray for wisdom and guidance that you will be used as the Lord desires. Pray that the words you use will be what is needed and that you will be a blessing. God may have placed you with these friends for just such a time as this.