being made in human likeness.
Jesus preached from the very beginning to His disciples that they should serve each other with love and compassion. His example at the last supper should stand before us as a template of our service to Him. He did not hesitate to don a towel and kneel before even the one who would betray Him. He set aside His ranking as the creator of the universe and knelt to wash dirty smelly feet while the disciples fought over who would be the greatest of them all.
If we take Jesus's life as an example of a servant's heart, we would think less of ourselves and far more of others. We would be less interested in the best seats, the best clothes and the best treatment for ourselves and offer it to others. Jesus never asked for special treatment or asked to be
waited on. He asked only that He would be believed and accepted as our savior. His desire was and is to expand His kingdom and bring us into a relationship with the triune God of eternity.
Father, restore to us the memory of Your command to serve each other. Remind us of the great joy we will have when we stand before You and You tell us, "Well done, good and faithful servant."