peek in the windows to see if anyone is in there. We like to have proof for ourselves that the facts are really facts.
John 20:25b "Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe it."
Thomas gets a bad rap because he did not believe what the disciples told him. Let us look at others in the same situation.
Mary was not believed when she reported that Jesus was resurrected. No one would believe Rhoda when Peter was miraculously released from prison. Sarah laughed when
she was told she would bear a son in her old age. All of the apostles had their doubts at one time or another.
There is nothing wrong with being slow to believe. It is wise to test the spirits, check the facts. Thomas loved deeply and was willing to go to his death with the Lord. (John 11:16) Thomas would rather die with his Lord than live without Him. John 14:5 tells us that Thomas feared losing the Lord and questioned how to follow Him.
I see a deep sorrow and pain in Thomas that said, "Don't torment me with your words. I hurt too much now." He needed the touch and visual assurance that the Man he had
followed really had risen just as He had promised He would.
The next time you hear the words 'doubting Thomas', remind yourself how deeply he loved and how committed he was to his Lord. Maybe his example is one we should follow as well.