“When I consider Your heavens and the works of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of Him?” Why did God choose to create infinite beauty and variety for us? His love for us is the only conclusion I can arrive at. He sees us as the apple of His eye. He rejoices over us with singing. He created a heaven of such intense beauty we cannot begin to understand it.
During the spring, I watch barren branches burst into beauty. The variety of shades of green are amazing. The promise of rebirth in nature around us builds in us a desire to get out and celebrate His designs. The summer weather encourages exploration and activity. The fall brings forth beauty in the fall foliage. It has been a long tradition of traveling just to see the splendor of His beauty. Even the cold of winter gives us such beauty in pristine white fields and the contrast of pure white snow and the deep green of evergreens.
Who are we that God would go to all the effort to create for us such a display of His glory? He does it so that we can get some inkling of the depth of His love. When life is hard and we don’t understand why we must stand the challenges of painful events, these are the reminders that He is still in control and loves us in infinite ways.