When we feel persecuted and we feel misunderstood, we can feel as if the Lord has turned His back on us and is looking
the other way. We can feel that the Lord doesn't care.
That is when the Lord is closest. That is when we need to search His Word and wait on His timing. He has promised to
never leave us or forsake us if we continue to seek Him.
The Lord wants us to run to Him in our pain and frustration. He wants us to see Him as a source of support and guidance,
not as a Santa Claus for what we want or think we need.
The Lord desires us to view Him as an integral part of our lives. He doesn't want to be a Sunday morning visitor. He desires to be considered a confidante and advisor that we automatically seek first, not as a last resort.
we have a problem or a decision to make, where do we turn first? We tend to go to our past experiences, a trusted friend,
our spouse. Jesus seems to be the last place we turn to.
Put Jesus first and be patient. His timing is perfect even if we don't necessarily feel that way. Trust Him with your life and your problems because as a Christian, we are trusting Him with our eternity.