Ps 8:3-6 When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of Your hands; You put everything under his feet:
Many times we will hear from people, including Christians, that God doesn’t really care about us and that He is an impersonal God. I have even heard a pastor say that God, the Father, cares more for the newly converted than His faithful followers who have served Him for many years. Some even feel that God isn’t involved in our lives.
I look at the evidence of our creation and wonder why people feel that way. Jesus breathed life into us. He spoke creation into being and saw that it was good. When it came to man, He formed man from the dust of the earth. It was an act of love for us. God formed us in His likeness. He gave us intelligence from the very beginning of our creation. If we are formed in His likeness, would we not have the wisdom and knowledge God wanted us to have?
God did not just say, “Breathe”. He, Himself, breathed life into us. He desired a living, breathing man to share a relationship. He wanted someone to share His creation. He allowed Adam freedom of choice and then provided a way to cover the sins that Adam, and his descendants, committed. God loves us enough to pay a very high price for a personal relationship with us.
We serve a very personal, hands on God. Jesus gave His life so that we can come into His presence and share our most intimate thoughts and times with Him. If God did not want a close relationship with us, He would not have told us to come unto Him when we are heavy laden. He would not offer to share the burden with us. Open your heart and mind to receive His reassurance that He is involved with us. He cares for our everyday needs and joys. Celebrate Who God is and how deeply He loves us.